Juventus Ensemble

Bearing its name from the Roman goddess of youth, the Juventus Ensemble (JuvE) is a chamber music project aimed at becoming a platform for creation and a catalyst for opportunities for young musicians of recognized talent. Founded in 2022, the Juventus Ensemble had its debut concert in Bragança, at the Church of São Francisco, as part of the Bragança ClassicFest, featuring works by Eurico Carrapatoso and Antonín Dvořák. As a chamber music ensemble of variable geometry, the Juventus Ensemble promotes concerts and artistic residencies in collaboration with world-renowned artists - such as Pascal Moraguès and Stephan Picard - covering a repertoire from various eras and musical styles, with the aim of welcoming and showcasing the best emerging talents in the music scene. Among the young musicians who participated in the Juventus Ensemble concerts, notable names include violinists Amia Janicki, Malina Ciobanu, Manuel Almeida-Ferrer, and Tomás Soares, violists João Abreu, Mafalda Costa Reis, and Sofia Silva Sousa, cellists Beatriz Raimundo, João Pedro Gonçalves, and Pedro Gomes da Silva, oboist Luísa Bandeira, clarinetist João Paiva, horn player Luís Duarte Moreira, and flutist Sónia Pais. In February 2023, the Juventus Ensemble presented the world premiere of the Sextet "Dreaming and Thinking" by American composer Bruce Adolphe, as part of the Musical-Mind Cycle, at the Monastery of São Bento da Vitória, in Porto. Also in 2023, the Juventus Ensemble made its debut at the Capuchos Music Festival and performed two concerts at the Prémery Music Festival in France. The Juventus Ensemble is artistically directed by Filipe Pinto-Ribeiro and is supported by the Directorate-General for the Arts of the Ministry of Culture.