Filipa Leal

Born in Porto, Filipa Leal has 14 published books (since 2003), among them "A Cidade Líquida" and "O Problema de Ser Norte", or the most recent ones "Vem à Quinta-feira" and "Fósforos e Metal sobre Imitação de Ser Humano", both finalists for the Correntes d’Escritas Prize and semifinalists for the Oceanos Prize. She is published in Spain, Brazil, Colombia, France, and Poland.

Graduated in Journalism from the University of Westminster, she holds a Master's degree in Portuguese and Brazilian Studies from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto. She also attended the Balleteatro do Porto, where she took a one-year course in theater training for non-professionals, with Victor Hugo Pontes. In 2013, she returned to the Faculty of Arts of Porto for a screenwriting course. 

Since 2003, she has regularly participated in poetry recitals. Highlights include the Teatro do Campo Alegre, as well as CCB, Casa Fernando Pessoa, Teatro São Luiz, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Casa da Música, among others.

She is represented in various anthologies in Portugal and abroad. In 2010, one of her poems was exhibited in the Warsaw Metro. In 2012 and 2014, she represented Portugal in literary meetings in Germany – at the Berlin Poetry Festival 2012, and at the Conference of European Writers 2014. In 2016, her poem "Hoje, também os carros dançam" was part of a European sound installation at the British Library in London. In 2021, the Colombian composer Mónica Giraldo adapted one of her poems, which she performs on the album "Hubo un Tiempo". 

She has been part of some international juries: she was a member of the Oceanos Literature Prize Jury (2018) and the Gabriel García Márquez Journalism Prize Jury (Colombia, 2019).

Poet, journalist, and screenwriter (notably for the script of the film "Jogo de Damas", with director Patrícia Sequeira – Winner of Best Screenplay at the Cyprus and Copenhagen Film Festivals; and for the series "Mulheres Assim" on RTP1).

Entre 2019 e 2024, apresentou, com Pedro Lamares, o programa de literatura “Nada Será Como Dante”, na RTP2. Nos últimos 10 anos, colaborou nos programas de televisão “Câmara Clara”, “Agora Literatura”, e “Literatura Aqui”, também na RTP2. Passou pela Rádio Nova, pelo jornal O Primeiro de Janeiro; colaborou com as revistas “Os Meus Livros” e “Pessoa”, entre outras.

Between 2019 and 2024, she presented, alongside Pedro Lamares, the literature program "Nada Será Como Dante" on RTP2. Over the past 10 years, she has collaborated on television programs such as "Câmara Clara", "Agora Literatura", and "Literatura Aqui", also on RTP2. She has worked with Rádio Nova, the newspaper O Primeiro de Janeiro; collaborated with magazines such as "Os Meus Livros" and "Pessoa", among others. 

She has just published the book "O vestido de noiva" (Relógio D'Água publisher).