Concerto Atlântico

The name of this group is composed of two words full of meaning for the Portuguese and directly related to the music they perform: the word "Concerto" was used in the Renaissance to refer to instrumental ensembles or groups of voices and instruments playing simultaneously; "Atlântico" (Atlantic) is the matrix, space, and symbol, the route that in the past made the dream of expansion and the meeting of cultures and peoples possible, enriching us in the present.

Concerto Atlântico is composed of specialists in the interpretation of music from the 15th to the 17th centuries, using historical instruments (copies of instruments from that period) with interpretative criteria that aim to highlight the expressive aspects of the repertoire to which they are dedicated.

Founded and directed by Pedro Caldeira Cabral, the group, formed in 1991, has performed numerous concerts in mainland Portugal and the autonomous regions of Madeira and the Azores. Additionally, they have performed abroad, notably in the Netherlands (Utrecht, Holland Festival, 1992), Morocco (Rabat International Festival, 1992 and 1993), France (Paris, 1993 and 1994), England (London, 1994), and Germany (Berlin, 2007). Concerto Atlântico has also appeared regularly on radio (RDP Clássica, Portugal, VPRO, Netherlands, BBC 3, England, Radio France Culture, France, ZDF, Germany, etc.) and television (RTP 2) and recorded a CD titled "Meus olhos vão pelo Mar…" ("My eyes go by the Sea…").

To this day, it is the only viol consort quintet in Portugal, with its members being multi-instrumentalists and currently forming the only "Charamelas" choir in the country. They have created special programs with choral ensembles of adults and children, as well as with actors and dancers specialized in Renaissance dance.